Inventing a whole category

Home renovation costs a fortune. With the twin crises of housing and affordability showing no signs of letting up, Rust-Oleum entered the chat with a new product category: The DIY renovation kit. These kits enable anyone to refinish any floor, countertop, or cabinet in the house. Simply paint it on and you’ve changed the look of your home at a cost of $200. It’s a game changer. AndSo’s job was to tell the world this product actually exists.


Renovations are stressful. They’re expensive, messy, and disruptive. HOME Transformation kits are inexpensive and simple. Still, we didn’t know if anyone would actually paint a floor. So we conducted a major research study and discovered a sharp insight: the most hated DIY chore of all is sanding a surface. If a project needs a lot of sanding, people won’t do it. Lucky for us, HOME Transformations can be painted on with little to no sanding. Suddenly, a renovation could be almost…lazy.


We created a national digital and TV campaign for maximum reach. The creative focuses on the world’s laziest man, doing the world’s laziest reno. He doesn’t even clean up—he just paints around the mess. To complement the TV, we created traditional and digital billboard pieces in Canada’s largest markets.

“Launching a new product is one thing, but this is a new product category. This launch campaign not only captured attention but it quickly captured marketshare and continues to grow. Our team couldn’t be happier.”

Frank Kocis, Manager, Integrated Communications & Trade Marketing, Rust-Oleum


It’s early but HOME Transformations sales are #1 in the DIY renovation category. The campaign is currently running, and more results data to come.